With mobile phones and tablets, it has become easy for kids to access internet. Cyber-bullying mainly happens through Social sites. Many kids under the age of 16, create an accounts on these sites by giving a false birthdate.
Asserting that India has shown that progress on reforms could "ignite" business investment, the IMF today said the adoption of goods and services tax is poised to boost the country's medium-term growth.
Read more at: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/articleshow/54727072.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst
Looking forward for implementation of GST in India.
Ending Net-neutrality will squeeze out start-ups who will have to pay distributors to offer their apps at the same level as the larger player. This will monopolise the service for a few. Internet was developed to provide free and fair access to all. Limiting this will kill innovation and prove to be a major hurdle in the growth of the Indian economy.
If you have a large customer base, you're a target
On December 10, 2014, someone sneaked into Anthem Inc.'s database but no one realized it for a while. The data breach was only discovered much later on January 27, 2015