Data Security Firewall
Data Security Health
Threat Surface Management
SaaS data Control
Data Visibility and control
Cloud based data security model for roaming users
Limit Social Media/ Collaborative Apps to Business Use only
Context sensitive data leak prevention
Advanced Contextual Data Classification
Our Approach
A Unique Context based
A Powerful
Embracing Change: Choose a Firewall That Understands the Future
In the world of technology, change is the only constant. What’s cutting-edge today can quickly become obsolete tomorrow, an...
Empowering Data Security with Microsoft Sensitivity Labels on GajShield firewall
Microsoft Office Sensitivity labels are a way to classify and protect sensitive data. They help manage and secure informa...
Stay Cyber-Safe This Christmas: How to Avoid Phishing and Malware Scams
The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and generosity. Unfortunately, it's also a time when cybercriminals ramp up...
What to Do If Your Personal Information Has Been Breached by a Company
Discovering that your personal information has been breached by a company can be an unsettling and overwhelming experience, l...
Embracing Change: Choose a Firewall That Understands the Future
In the world of technology, change is the only constant. What’s cutting-edge today can quickly become obsolete tomorrow, an...
Empowering Data Security with Microsoft Sensitivity Labels on GajShield firewall
Microsoft Office Sensitivity labels are a way to classify and protect sensitive data. They help manage and secure informa...
Stay Cyber-Safe This Christmas: How to Avoid Phishing and Malware Scams
The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and generosity. Unfortunately, it's also a time when cybercriminals ramp up...