Add Organisation Information

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Add Organisation Information

This screen shows the summary of all the CA (Certificate Authority) Certificates. Organization Information and CA certificates are same.

Add Organisation Information

Primary IP Information: First priority will be given to this IP byCloud client.

Failover IPs (Optional): Select multiple IP’s of different ISPfor failover. Second priority will be given to failover IP’s, when primary IP is not reachable.

Service: Create / select port for the cloud client to link with GajShield, use port number greater than 1024 TCP / UDP.

           UDP ports / services will not work when selecting cloud failover option.

Subnet for Cloud Client: Cloud Clients will use IP address from this Subnet once the clients connect to GajShield.

Local IP Address: Cloud Clients would connect to the LAN network through this IP.

DNS: Public or Private IP which can be used by Cloud Clients to resolve dns to browse Internet / intranet.

Encryption: Data is encrypted between the Cloud client and GajShield firewall, using (Blowfish, AES & Triple-DES). Select any one from the drop down list.

Compression: Traffic traveling between the cloud client and GajShield firewall is compressed, when this option is kept ON.

           After adding/editing cloud settings, you will have to recreate the cloud exe under Configure Users tab, Restart Cloud Service  and install the same exe on the client PC.