Add User/IP Groups

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Add User/IP Groups

You can create groups by defining the following.

Add User Groups

Add IP Groups

Group Name : name to be assigned for the group.

Select Users/IP : Select whether the Site Policy would be Default Allow or denied. Users who are not a part of any group will groups under a group named as default and will also have their default site policy as 'Default Allow'.

Mime Policy : Select whether the Mime Policy would be Default Allow or denied.

Maximum Download size : Define how much can each user in this group is allowed to download. The size would be in KB ( kilobytes) and Zero ( 0 ) means unlimited download size.

Block Upload : Select if you want to block uploading.

Maximum Upload size : Define how much can each user in this group is allowed to upload. The size would be in KB ( kilobytes) and Zero ( 0 ) means unlimited upload size.

           If you do not want any authentication for users who browse the internet do not create the users here.

The fields Block Upload, Log Upload and Maximum Upload size will get enabled if Enforce Upload Archiving is selected in -> Browsing -> Setup -> Browsing Option.