Add SSL Certificate

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Add SSL Certificate

This screen helps in creating/uploading CA Certificates.

Add SSL Certificate

To create CA certificate, the following information is needed:

Certificate Name: A unique name to identify the CA Certificate.

Valid upto: Date till which the CA Certificate is valid, after which the certificate expires.

Key Length: The encryption key size, more the key length, greater the security level & more processing power required.

Password: The password/passphrase for the CA Certificate.

LocalID: The Local Identifier for the Certificate helps the firewall to identify the CA Certificate.

FQDN: The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN), FQDN must be in ASCII format. For example,

X.509 DN: An X.509 certificate binds a name to a public key value. The role of the certificate is to associate a public key with the identity contained in the X.509 certificate.

IP Address: IP address the certificate is associated with. It can be any IP address. For example

Email: Email address the certificate is associated with. For example

Country Name: Select the country where the firewall is installed.

State / Locality Name: State and Locality are full names, i.e. 'California', 'Los Angeles'.

Organization Name: Full Legal Company or Personal Name, as legally registered.

Organizational Unit Name: In whichever branch of your company the firewall is getting installed. For example Accounting, IT etc.

Common Name: Common name is a mandatory bit of uniquely identifying data, such as FQDN or Personal Name.

Email Address: Insert support email address in case of issues.