Add Bandwidth Policy

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Add Bandwidth Policy

Add Bandwidth Policy

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Add Bandwidth Policy IP

Create/Modify Bandwidth Policy using this screen. This Screen can be logically divided into 3 Sections:

Section I: Select Users

Selecting the Users or UserGroups for whom the rule needs to be applied. Add User/UserGroups by clicking the Users/Groups option. If you want the rule to be applicable to All users, Select All option.


            If you click on the User/Groups text box, it would show the User/Groups selected in the particular rule.

Section II: Select what to match and at what time

Select the Service for which the rule needs to be applied.

Selecting No filters results in matching the rule without filters. Select a timeline that suits the need of the rule.

Section III: Determine the Status

Select the queue from the dropdown or you can add new queue by clicking the Add Queue link.

Select any one of the status from Active and Inactive. Selecting active would result in make the bandwidth policy active. Similarly inactive make the bandwidth policy inactive.