Add DLP Rules

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Add DLP Rules

Create DLP Rules using this screen.

Add DLP Rules

           If you click on the User/Groups text box, it would show the User/Groups selected in the particular rule.


Users/Group: Select Users/Group radio button, to add users or group for DLP scanning or Select ALL radio button, to enable DLP scanning for the entire network.

Services: Select the service from the drop down list to enable DLP, also Set Filters to drill down to the exact matching data, by clicking on to remove Filters click on . If there are no filters set in DLP rule, it will capture complete data for the DLP rule configured.

Generic: All http & https traffic going through the firewall are monitored.

Http: Captures http header level data.

SMTP: Smtp header level data is captured.

File Upload: All uploads from http & https are scrutinized by the firewall.

Web Mails: View or Block access to Personal emails. Mails of the below mentioned web clients can be seen word by word with attachments.




MSN Live

Sify Mail

Orkut: Log data going through Social Networking Sites, with all the below options covered.

Orkut Scrap

Orkut Message

Orkut Forum Post

Orkut Forum Event

Facebook: Popular used Social Networking site for business, now keep track of data going out of Facebook, with all the mentioned optioned covered.

Facebook Wall

Facebook Message

Facebook Forum Post

Facebook Comment

Facebook Note

Face        book Event

IM Chat: Chats & file upload happening through below mentioned IM clients can be recorded on the firewall.

Yahoo Chat

Jabber Chat

MSN Chat

 Gadu Chat

Web Chat: Web chats are handy tools, used on Web 2.0. Transcription also possible of the below mentioned Web chats clients.

Yahoo Web Chat

Gmail Web Chat

Orkut Web Chat

 Facebook Web Chat

SMTP Mails: Log the entire mail with attachment, to analyze Data leak. Works on port 25.

SMTP Mails

Timeset: Set timeline for DLP rules to monitor data (default timeline is 24 hours monitoring enabled. Recommended) or set new time line according to your requirements.

Alert: Set email alerts for DLP communications. Example alerts on file upload, email sent from personal web mail, etc.

Log: Enable check box to capture & view outbound DLP data.  

Action: Action to be assigned to a DPL Policy.

Allow: Allow access if criteria matches to DLP policy.

Proceed: Scans DLP policy & push down for further more scanning through other DLP policies.

Block: Will deny access to the said policy & will log the same.

Status: Decide whether the rule should be active or inactive.

Active: DLP engine passes data through active DLP policies.

Inactive: Inactive DLP policies are bypassed by DLP engine.